Study Finds Self-Driving Cars Have Higher Rates of Accidents

Driver error is the most common cause of car accidents, and it can take many different forms. From distracted driving and drunk driving to forgetting to look both ways at an intersection or neglecting to make a signal when switching lanes, there are numerous ways drivers can make mistakes that have major consequences.

To address the element of human error in auto accidents, automakers and innovators have been working on developing self-driving cars - cars that have been touted as a means to substantially reduce, if not end, preventable auto accidents. According to a newly released study, however, self-driving cars may actually be involved in car crashes more often than conventional cars.

The study focused on collected data of real situations and crashes involving self-driving vehicles in order to make a preliminary analysis about their safety. Although many factors are at play, including the level at which self-driving cars are currently functioning and their availability on the roadways, the results of the study are interesting and a reason to further explore autonomous vehicle safety.

Here is some more information about the study:

  • Researchers analyzed a test pool of roughly 50 self-driving cars in comparison to millions of traditional vehicles, and they did recognize the disparity in miles driven.
  • Self-driving test vehicles were involves in accidents five times more often than regular vehicles and that occupants face four times the injury rate - although all injuries have been minor.
  • When considering the fact that conventional car accidents often go unreported, researchers still found that self-driving car accidents are still twice as high.

Researchers noted that there are limitations in the study, but that the findings should prompt automakers to spend more time focusing on the safety of autonomous vehicles, especially as they gain popularity and become more common on U.S. roadways. Still, many experts believe it will be some time before self-driving cars become the norm.

Today, motorists still face real risks anytime they venture onto public roads. Fortunately, in the event of car accidents they do not cause, victims often have the right to pursue justice and compensation for their damages, including their pain and suffering, lost work wages, and medical expenses. If you have questions about your rights following an auto accident anywhere in Ventura County or beyond, our Ventura car accident lawyers are available to discuss your case during a free consultation!

Contact Lessem Newstate & Tooson, LLP today to learn more.
